Core Strength and the Performance Horse

In recent years much research in fitness training has discovered the value of core training. The bodys core includes the four main abdominal muscles the pelvic floor muscles and the erector spinal muscles which support the spine. Collectively these muscle groups keep the back straight and strong.
The four abdominal muscles the Rectus Abdominus Transverse Abdominus and Internal and External Obliques do much more than support the back. These four muscles compress the abdomen to aid in moving the contents of the various visceral organs through the body efficiently. These activities include urination defecation birthing and constant inhalation and expiration. If the core muscles are weakened or injured possible dysfunction in the visceral organ performance could result. Additionally when these same core muscles serve in the skeletal capacity they cause the body to move forward and back up and down and bend from side to side. No other muscle group provides such a diverse group of functions.
The Rectus Abdominus which is considered the main abdominal muscle originates in the chest and inserts at the 4th to 9th costal cartilages runs the length of the belly and attaches to the femur via the accessory ligament. In laymans terms this means that when your horse hunches his back to bring the hind legs under one of the main movers is this giant muscle. The Rectus Abdominus is used more than all of the other abdominal muscles combined.
The abdomen is wrapped in fascia deep to the Rectus Abdominus and in addition the muscle itself is woven with tendonous intersections or inscriptions that are a part of the muscle. These inscriptions are very tough and nonpliable similar to a plastic laundry basket. They have very little elasticity. If you have witnessed a human with a 6 pack what you are actually seeing are these tendonous